Pregnancy Test
Includes: 1 Parameter
- TSH – Ultrasensitive
- Same Day Report
- 100% Accurate Reports
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Order TestThyroid Profile
Includes: 3 Parameter
- T3- Total Triiodothyronine
- T4- Total Thyroxine
- TSH – Ultrasensitive
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Order TestUrine Culture & Sensitivity
Includes: 1 Parameter
- Morning’s first mid-stream Urine
- 3rd Day Report
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Order TestPregnancy Test or Urine Pregnancy Test -UPT
Includes: 1 Parameter
- Urine Pregnancy Test
- Morning’s first mid-stream Urine
- Same Day Report
- Same Day Report
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Order TestProgesterone, Serum
Includes: 1 Parameter
- Progesterone, Serum
- Same Day Report
- NABL Lab @your doorstep
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Order TestBeta HCG Total- Quantitative,Maternal
Includes: 1 Parameter
- Serum Beta HCG -Total
- Same Day Report
- NABL Lab @your doorstep
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Order TestRubella Virus-German Measles -IgG Antibodies
Includes: 1 Parameter
- Rubella Virus – IgG Antibodies
- Same Day Report
- NABL Lab @your doorstep
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Order TestRubella Virus-German Measles -IgM
Includes: 1 Parameter
- Rubella Virus – IgM Antibodies
- Same Day Report
- NABL Lab @your doorstep
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Order TestTORCH PANEL-4, IgG
Includes: 4 Parameter
- Toxoplasma IgG
- Rubella IgG, HSV 1&2 IgG
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV), IgG
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Order TestTORCH PANEL-4, IgM
Includes: 4 Parameter
- Toxoplasma IgM
- Rubella IgG
- HSV 1&2 IgM
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgM
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Order TestTORCH PANEL-8, IgG & IgM
Includes: 8 Parameter
- Toxoplasma IgG , IgM
- Rubella IgG , IgM
- HSV 1&2 IgG , IgM
- Cytomegalovirus IgG , IgM
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Order TestHemoglobin Electrophoresis – HPLC for Beta Thalassemia
Includes: 1 Parameter
- Hemoglobin Electrophoresis – HPLC for Beta Thalassemia
- Next Day Report
- NABL Lab @your doorstep
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Order TestAntenatal Panel
Includes:50 Parameter
- HIV 1&2,HBsAg,Anti HCV
- VDRL RPR, Blood Group
- TSH, CBC, Sugar
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Order TestAntenatal Panel- Advanced
Includes: 51 Parameter
- HPLC for Beta Thalassemia
- VDRL RPR, Blood Group
- HIV 1&2,HBsAg,Anti HCV
- TFT, CBC, Sugar
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Order TestDual Marker – First Trimester – Double Marker
Includes: 3 Parameter
- Free Beta HCG
- Report within 2 Days
- Latest Ultrasound Mandatory
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Order TestWorking Time
- Mon-Sat 08:00 - 08:00
Sunday 08:00 - 06:00
Contact Info
Phone: 0129-4133550
Pregnancy Test
Pregnancy happens when an egg that released from the ovary during ovulation is fertilized by a sperm. After fertilization, the egg travels down into the uterus, where implantation happens. Pregnancy is the result of a successful implantation. A Pregnancy Test during pregnancy is the best way to assess your condition and understand any risks that may exist to both the mother and the child. An early pregnancy test can help detect medical conditions that can impact the health of the child or the mother. A pregnancy test includes multiple parameters like a complete blood test, blood sugar, lipid profile, STIs, blood group among others. The phlebotomist takes your blood sample, which takes only a few minutes. The sample is then sent to the lab to perform the tests included in a Pregnancy Test package.
Why Pregnancy Testing is important?
Having a child is a joyful and important event, however, being pregnant brings many changes with it and, being attuned to these changes can help you have a relatively trouble free time. Monitoring your health and getting tests during pregnancy can play a big part in being healthy and having a healthy child. Getting a pregnancy test done in the early stages and then regularly following up with the doctor is essential as any medical conditions that you have or may develop during pregnancy can become serious if left unaddressed. Getting a pregnancy test in Gurgaon is a simple process which can help you have a healthy and happy pregnancy.
Some common first trimester pregnancy tests are:
- Complete haemogram - Low RBCs, WBCs, haemoglobin, or platelets can have serious implications for both mother and child. Loss of blood during pregnancy can impact anaemic women severely, if platelets are low blood loss could be life threatening, low WBCs could indicate susceptibility to infection.
- Thyroid Tests - Pregnancy impacts the thyroid gland significantly, hence testing is essential. Also, many women may have an undiagnosed thyroid condition which could cause complications. HbA1c - This is done to check pre-existing diabetes so that necessary medications can be prescribed to manage the condition.
- Blood group and Rh typing - This is a test to determine the blood group of the mother and whether she is Rh negative or Rh positive. Blood typing is important as the blood group of the mother and the foetus could be incompatible.
- STDs - Testing is done to check for HIV, Hepatitis B & C, and Syphilis etc as these diseases can be passed on to the foetus by the mother, or can cause complications.
How Pregnancy Test is performed?
A pregnancy test generally includes blood tests for all the parameters mentioned above, the doctor may also advise a urine test in some cases. These tests are generally accompanied by physical examination, ultrasounds, etc.
Getting tested during your pregnancy can help you detect any problems and take the necessary steps well within the time. A pregnancy test is an essential test for a healthy and happy pregnancy and a healthy child. You can easily book a pregnancy test at home in Faridabad without going anywhere and get your sample collected easily.
In case you are having trouble conceiving then getting tests like Estradiol Test, Progesterone Test, and FSH Test might be advisable. However, consulting a doctor is important, as he/she can guide you best regarding the tests you might need.