Allergy Test
Allergy Screening Package
Includes: CBC+Total IgE,Serum
- Allergy Package 25 Parameters
- Same Day Report
- NABL Lab @your doorstep
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Order TestSerum IgE Total – Immunoglobulin IgE
Includes: 1 Parameter
- Serum IgE Total – Immunoglobulin IgE
- Same Day Report
- NABL Lab @your doorstep
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Order TestTissue Transglutaminase IgA (tTG-IgA)
Includes: 1 Parameter
- Tissue Transglutaminase IgA (tTG-IgA)
- Same Day Report
- NABL Lab @your doorstep
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Order TestAllergy MILK (Doodh)
Includes: 1 Parameter
- Milk Allergy
- Same Day Report
- NABL Lab @your doorstep
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Order TestAllergy, Aspergillus Fumigatus
Includes: 1 Parameter
- Allergy Package
- Same Day Report
- NABL Lab @your doorstep
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Order TestAEC Absolute Eosinophil Count
Includes: 1 Parameter
- AEC-Absolute Eosinophil Count
- Same Day Report
- NABL Lab @your doorstep
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Order TestCBC Test – Complete Blood Count
Includes: 24 Parameter
- Hb, Platelet Count, TLC, DLC
- Same Day Report
- NABL Lab @your doorstep
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Order TestFull Allergy Screening Package
Includes: 110 Parameter
- CBC+Total IgE,Serum + Vag + Non-Vag
- Same Day Report
- NABL Lab @your doorstep
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Order TestWorking Time
- Mon-Sat 08:00 - 08:00
Sunday 08:00 - 06:00
Contact Info
Phone: 0129-4133550
Allergy Tests
Sometimes your immune system responds acutely to foreign substances which are usually not considered harmful, this is known as an allergy. Substances that cause these reactions are called allergens; some common allergens are dust, pollen, specific foods or pet hair etc. An Allergy Test is a good way to understand if you have an allergy and how severe your reaction is. An allergy profile test can help in narrowing down your triggers so that you are able to take the necessary steps and ensure that such reactions cause minimal disruptions to your life. An Allergy Test mainly includes an IgE Test and a complete hologram test. The phlebotomist takes your blood sample, which takes only a few minutes. The sample is then sent to the lab to perform the tests included in the Allergy Test package.
Why Allergy Testing is important?
The immune system is the body\'s defense mechanism that helps fight it against infections and other pathogens. An allergen is also considered a pathogen by the immune system and thus it triggers a response. Depending upon the type of the allergen, the reaction ranges from cough, sneezing, skin rashes to some serious complications. While allergies are quite common it is always advisable to get an allergy test done to determine what exactly is causing the response. Getting an allergy test is a simple process which can help you resolve your symptoms easily.
A severe allergic reaction can be life threatening and show symptoms like breathing difficulties, fainting among others. In such circumstances it is highly essential to seek immediate medical help. While it might seem that most reactions are normal, however it is highly recommended to get an allergy blood test so that your condition can be diagnosed to avoid serious complications
How Allergy Blood Test is performed?
An allergy panel test also known as an IgE test basically tests for immunoglobulin’s, which are antibodies that are generated when your body comes in contact with an allergen. It is done to determine how severe your allergy is to the substance.
Some of the common reasons for allergies are:
- Animal products including pet hair, dander, cockroaches, dust mites etc.
- Foods like nuts, prawns, shrimp, wheat, eggs, milk.
- Insect bites like those from bees, mosquitoes, wasps.
- Mold - a fungus that spreads through airborne spores.
- Plants - pollen from grass, weeds or trees could also be triggers.
Most people tend to ignore or live with allergies as they consider them mildly annoying issues, in fact some people may not even realize they have allergies and think their symptoms as seasonal problems. However, a RAST test or IgE test is the easiest way to determine the cause of your constant symptoms and find out the root cause. You can easily book an allergy test at home without going anywhere and get your sample collected easily. Getting tested at home is infinitely more convenient than looking for allergy testing options near you as it allows you to get tested in the privacy of your home at time and pace convenient to you.
Once the allergy test results are out you can start looking for ways in which to adapt your lifestyle without having to suffer. There are medications and treatment options for getting your symptoms under control depending upon the severity of your allergy.